Friday, March 13, 2009

Well, the news is in and it's much different than first thought!

We had our ultrasound this week and it was very surprising. Chas and I both were convinced we were having a boy - just knew it! Well, the necessary parts are lacking - we're having a little girl!!! Wow - we are both still adjusting to the thought. We have talked nothing about girl names or girl anything - so let the new train of thought begin. Everything looks like it is going well. We are excited and very thankful.

When we got home, we thought we would have some explaining to do to Brayden. Chas said what is mom having - "a baby." But what do you think it is a brother or a sister? "It's a girl dad." Just so matter of fact! So, no adjusting needed on his part apparently.

I will try to post some pictures soon - have been a blogger slacker lately!