Sunday, July 13, 2008

We recently bought a life jacket for Brayden - this kid loves it! He wants to wear it all the time. He insisted on wearing it to the bath one night... He tells his daddy, "Daddy, go find water for boat - let's go!"


Mandy said...

AHHH, he's so stinkin' cute! We miss you guys! Megan and I are coming home this Sunday the 20th and will be there til the next Sunday...Mike's headed to Indiana! We gotta hang out, I'll give you a call this week! Love ya!

GO Gray's said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GO Gray's said...

Sorry about the deleted comment. I'm still figuring this out. anyways I was excited to see your blog on Mandy's page. Your little boy is adorable!!!

Cornums said...

Hey Melissa, Your blog is so cute. I'm glad you have one so we can keep up with ya. Brayden is such a handsome little guy. Tell Chas hi for us.