Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here's my cowboy...It was a fun Halloween. We had a tough time (as I'm sure everyone does) getting this kid to take pictures. He's got the "cheese" thing down but can't (or won't) stand still long enough to take the picture! But, we were able to get a few.

We trick-or-treated at our neighbor's houses while Mimi and Pappy took charge of the house and greeted those that were trick-or-treating at our house. Thanks Mimi and Pappy! Then Nanna and Grumps came over and helped (or scared) with the rest! Yes, he answered our door this way and then headed down the street to scare those that were still out! We had a lot of fun! Chas and I were even able to sneak next door and hang out with our neighbors for a bit - first costume party we have been to in a while! Thanks Nana and Grumps!