Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, it's official - I have decided I'm a very selfish person. I just love to read other people's blogs....but just can't seem to find the time or desire to update mine. By the way, you should all update your blogs more often :0)~

Then there is the issue of where to start - it's been so long and so much has happened I don't dare skip over it....but then it becomes too overwhelming. Phew! Now that it's off my chest - I'm really going to TRY to do better!

We are alive and doing very well. We have just plain enjoyed our kiddo - he is so much fun and has such a personality. He keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh. However, I'm afraid we have hit the '3' stage that everyone seems to warn about. But...here are some pictures from the last few months.

We took Brayden to Disney on Ice - he somewhat enjoyed it. He loves the Incredibles - he was completely devastated when Mickey Mouse got kidnapped. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the misery. Chas even told him that he would go save them but Brayden just cried more and said "no daddy, cuz they will take you too!" Who kidnaps Mickey and then goes to intermission. Warped sense of humor if you ask me - poor kid!


GO Gray's said...

That is so crazy how upset he was. Poor kid. . . stupid disney on ice!!!