Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Old News but still Good News

This story is a bit old, but I was looking through pictures and found these and they just make me smile. I was in 'the zone' of cleaning. You know how it goes....all week things around the house just glare at you because they need done, but you somehow don't make it around to doing them? Well, come hell or high water I was gonna get it all done this particular day. Kamryn was napping and Brayden was playing. I was cleaning that toilet of mine when Brayden came to me and said 'Mom, I need a really cute shirt to go with this skirt.' So, I go get him a really cute shirt to go with the skirt and continue on my way. Then I hear him yell "Hey, mom guess what? We're gonna get married today!' Well, I decide that maybe that sounds like something I should go check out - He is in his room getting his nice clothes on and has my outfit laid out for me. I immediately decide that cleaning can wait - I went on a date! He picked me up in his car (the bed) and we drove to the living room. We took pictures and then we danced and then....I got me a smoocher! What a charmer. One of my absolute favorite moments with this kid!


KNIGHT'S said...

That is the cutest story EVER! Love the updates, can't wait to see you guys this wknd.

Mandy said...

Ditto to what Kami said! So glad you recorded this story...you'll be able to embarrass him with it when he's 16. :0) Love you guys!

GO Gray's said...

so cute!!!!