Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kamryn's Thumb

Congenital Trigger Thumb it's called and my little girl has it on her left! We noticed it after she took quite a fall off of our couch. We though that it was just dislocated but sure enough it's not. They straightened it out, took x-rays, and an hour later it looked just as it had before the ER visit. It doesn't seem to bother her much but it's just stuck! We were sent to see a pediatric specialist - surgery is in our future (boo!!!) but they don't want to operate until she is at least 2, especially since it really doesn't bother her. It will be a simple surgery - about 10 minutes - but it's on her left hand...her sucking which the Dr. told me he would kindly put a cast from her shoulder down. My baby going under for surgery and then not able to soothe herself...ughh, mom's gonna be a mess. But here are some pictures of what it looks like: